Monday, June 22, 2009

Interactive Clay Demo

From time to time, Surface Elements provides inservices and presentations about American Clay to help spread the word about this fun and innovative product. A couple of weeks ago I was approached by Mary Frances Hobbs, a teacher at the Math Science Innovation Center, who asked if I'd be willing to present about American Clay at an end-of-the-year workshop on green building methods and products. Having worked in education in a previous career incarnation, I happily obliged. Teachers deserve all the tools they can get! We opted for an interactive workshop, and got everyone involved in spreading a bit of clay themselves. Their final samples can be taken back to their classrooms and shared with students.

I owe a special thanks to Tom and Mary Frances Hobbs (pictured above) for their help in getting the materials together for this fun presentation. I couldn't have done it without your help!

For anyone who's never heard of it, check out the website for the Math Science Innovation Center. We're so fortunate to have such a great local resource!

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